Coming May 10th 2025

When you think of bigfoot, you think of the Sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest, you have heard of the Florida Skunk Apes, the Ohio Grassmen, the beast of Boggy Creek, the Missouri Monster, but there is one more you need to add to the list, The Hairyman of Dairyland.

For years Wisconsin has been known for sightings of a werewolf like creature on Bray Road, and even boasts three cities that lay claim to the title of UFO Capital of the world, but lurking in the woods across the state is another mysterious creature that has captivated the minds of people for generations.

Travel the dairy land state to find evidence of the beast, meet the researchers who are on the journey of discovery, and hear from the people who have seen them first hand.

Cryptids, Anomalies, and the Paranormal Society presents:
The Hairyman of Dairyland – Wisconsin’s Bigfoot

Watch exclusively on our Patreon!

Book a screening at your event!

Make this documentary part of your next public event, convention or conference! Get a screening of the documentary, along with a Q & A with the producer and possibly some of the CAPS Team who investigated the locations!

More info & to Book, Email us at:

Bigfoot Sighting Map: Wisconsin/Upper Michigan

*Blue Dots are CAPS Reports and Investigations 
*Red Dots are Bigfoot Field Researchers Orginization Reports (BFRO)







Stay tuned!
We are always updating this page with new evidence and more infomation

Foot Prints & Casts

Foot Print


Burlington Wisconsin


August 2019


4 inches wide

9 inches long

Foot print


Rhinelander Wisconsin


March 2020


8 inches wide

13 inches long

Cast taken of Track in Rhinelander Wisconsin


March 2020


8 Inches wide

13 Inches long

Snow Print

Rhinelander Wisconsin


March 2020

6 Inches wide

10 Inches long

Foot Print


Rhinelander Wisconsin

April 2020


6 Inches wide

10 Inches Long

Foot Print


Rhinelander Wisconsin


April 2020


4 Inches wide

8 Inches long

Foot Print and Cast


Harshaw Wisconsin


May 2020


5 Inches wide

10 Inches long


Cast of Harshaw Print


Harshaw Wisconsin

May 2020

5 Inches wide

10 Inches long

Hand Print in mud

Rhinelnader Wisconsin

April 2020

Hand Print Cast


Rhinelander Wisconsin


April 2020



Foot Print


Rhinelander Wisconsin


April 2020


8 Inches wide

13 Inches long

Double Step

Two Prints overlayed


Rhinelander Wisconsin


April 2020

Foot Print


Shioctin Wisconsin


September 2020


6 Inches wide

13 Inches long

Stick Structures

Some believe that Bigfoot create stick structures, and while some it may be hard to tell if it was made by a person, when you are on private property with security cameras monitoring who comes and goes, it becomes very clean that they were not made by a person.


How do you know if the stick structure is made or happened naturally? One of the basic ways to tell, is if it appears to be interwoven. We have also found that structures do not have any limbs extending from the branches that they are constructed with, meaning they are all straight sticks with no smaller branches on them.


There are several different types of structures to look for when you are out walking, Here are some examples to keep an eye out for.






An example of sticks woven together





An asterisk: A symbol or glyph that is created on the ground by sticks, typically in the shape of an X or an *    

Teepee: A structure that forms what is commonly referred to as a Teepee, these can be small under 5 feet or large 15 feet or more, some have been reported having been made of whole trees.
Although rare, some have been reported having the trees root ball in the vertical position meaning that the entire tree would have been pulled up and flipped over before being placed into the structure.




Stuffings: typically found at the base of two or more small trees, we find a collection of sticks wedged into the space between the trees.


An Arch: a smaller tree that has been bent over to the ground creating an arch shape, the top of the tree is pinned in place by another stick or a rock so that it doesn't spring back up. Some trees can grow like this, or bend with snow load, its important to note how the tree is staying in this position.




X or Cross: An X made of two sticks, again, not branches they do not have anything sticking off them. Can also very in size from small to very big like the one here.

Howls and Audio/video clips

Bigfoot is Hyden: The incredible true story of strange activities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Bigfoot is Hyden: The incredible true story of strange activities in Michigan's Upper Peninsula


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